Individual Counseling

Individual Counseling:

0_0_0_0_250_167_csupload_37826549Post Induction Therapy for Developmental Immaturity Treatment (formerly known as co-dependence) is a therapy modality designed to treat the effects of childhood trauma and resulting issues of developmental immaturity.

The intervention strategies which compromise Post Induction Therapy were developed by Pia Mellody through her work at The Meadows inpatient treatment center. Pia Mellody, a survivor of childhood trauma, found the conventional treatment strategies in the 1970’s inadequate in meeting her needs and the needs of her clients. As a result, she devised strategies, which assisted her own recovery. She practiced these strategies on herself. Subsequently these methods were shared with other survivors of childhood trauma who were at The Meadows and were received with great success.

These modalities, which are the core of Post Induction Therapy, are an eclectic approach which uses individual and group therapy. They were drawn from psychoanalytic therapies, Gestalt, Family Systems Theory, Transactional Analysis, Rational Emotive Therapy and the concepts of Erik Erikson and Carl Rogers.

Would you like to…
• Increase your sense of self-esteem, confidence, and self-awareness?
• Learn what healthy boundaries are and how to set them?
• Develop your skills at finding or maintaining a healthy relationship?
• Resolve trauma as a result of abandonment, abuse, neglect, and enmeshment?
• Resolve feelings of pain, anger, despair, frustration and confusion?
• Develop your sense of inner calm, presence, and awareness?
• Get clear about your life path, and find more balance and fulfillment in your life?

For further information, call
Argie Spuck at 954.822.9793 or
email me at