Love Addiction

Love addiction is described as one person “loving” another person with an obsessive intensity that is not in the best interest of either party. Love addiction is a painful, compulsive and addictive disorder that negatively impacts not only the addict but the object of their obsession. Argie Spuck helps clients to overcome root issues and take steps towards experiencing healthy, fulfilling relationships.

What are the effects of love addiction?

Love addicts tend to focus a tremendous amount of energy on romantic relationships—whether they are involved in one, looking for the next one or avoiding one altogether. They tend to become involved in brief, intense romantic relationships. If they are involved in a long-term relationship, it is usually characterized by many highs and lows. In some cases, love addicts completely withdraw from romantic or sexual relationships to avoid feelings of vulnerability.

The causes of love addiction are rooted in childhood trauma. Individuals lacking self-esteem or who had less-than-nurturing childhoods may grow up looking for constant reassurance from others. Love addicts also tend to enjoy the feeling of excitement that being “in love” brings.

Argie Spuck goes beyond the symptoms to treat the underlying issues behind the love addiction—childhood trauma, low self-esteem and codependency. If you have problems with love addiction, call Argie Spuck at 954-822-9793 to schedule an appointment.